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Will Ferrell Award Tribute
Billy Bob Thornton - Napa Valley Film Festival
Cisco Webex Commercial BTS
Will Ferrell Award Tribute
Monologue Selection: Need a great monologue for your next audition? Get help choosing the right ones or request your own custom monologue. RATE: Flat rate per submission request.
Mastering Monologues: Any actor worth their chops knows how to get into character quickly & monologues are the perfect path to get there! Learn how to get comfortable with any monologue for any role. RATE: Hourly rate per in-person session; Flat rate per Zoom session (2 hour duration minimum).
The Art of Auditioning: Aside from working onset, the audition room is where actors spend the majority of their careers. Find out how to make the audition room your second home. RATE: Hourly rate per in-person session; Flat rate per Zoom session (2 hour duration minimum).
Handling Cold Reads & Sides: The best way to ace any audition is to understand the importance of delivering quality cold reads & sides. With the right tips and tricks, you'll be able to impress any casting director. RATE: Hourly rate per in-person session; Flat rate per Zoom session (2 hour duration minimum).
Self-Tape Audition Prep: The industry is changing and adapting, which means actors must as well. Learn how to create self taped auditions that will improve your odds of getting that role! RATE: Hourly rate per in-person session; Flat rate per Zoom session (2 hour duration minimum).
Tips for Working with Other Actors: Not all projects are solo roles. Find out how to generate the right onscreen chemistry and energy with projects requiring 2 or more actors. RATE: Hourly rate per in-person session; Flat rate per Zoom session (2 hour duration minimum).
On-Camera Delivery: Want to make sure you nail your monologue or sides at your next audition? Get a chance to rehearse your lines and receive real-time critique/feedback. RATE: Hourly rate per in-person session; Flat rate per Zoom session (2 hour duration minimum).
Getting Into Character: Learn how to develop your acting skills and delivery to fit any dramatic, comedic or other type of character you're preparing for. RATE: Hourly rate per in-person session; Flat rate per Zoom session (2 hour duration minimum).
Script/Scene Partner: It's hard to rehearse scenes/sides when there's no one around. Get a scene partner to help sharpen your acting skills. RATE: Hourly rate per in-person session; Flat rate per Zoom session (2 hour duration minimum).
Commercial Acting: In addition to TV and film, commercials are a great addition to any actor's resume. Find out how to develop the skills needed to ace your next commercial audition. RATE: Hourly rate per in-person session; Flat rate per Zoom session (2 hour duration minimum).
Headshot Critique: Casting directors know talent when they see it and it all starts with your headshot! Whether you're just starting and don't have a headshot yet or need help selecting which one(s) to use, getting a professional opinion can help take the guesswork out of the situation. RATE: Flat rate per request.
The features above are paid services. We accept:
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